Induction Revd Kay Blackwell

In August we were delighted to welcome our new minister, Kay Blackwell to serve as the Centre Chaplain until the end of the Special Category Ministry that Rachel was unable to complete due to her health.

Kay’s Induction service on 31st August at Wooler URC was a moving as well as a warm and friendly occasion with guests joining us from as far away as the south coast.

The service was led by our Synod Moderator, Revd Kim Plumpton and amongst the guests were the Lord-Lieutenant for Northumberland, Dr Caroline Pryer who, as the King’s representative in the county, welcomed Kay. The service was followed by refreshments in the Hall where there was a lot of chatter and a few stories about what we can expect from Kay shared by those who know her well!

The final part of our welcome for Kay was our Open House for the island community when we enjoyed meeting one another and sharing (more!) refreshments.

Revd Kay Blackwell with Revds Ruth Midcalf and Debbie Veel
Revd Kay Blackwell with Moderator Northern Synod Revd Kim Plumpton and Lord-Lieutenant of Northumberland Dr Caroline Pryer
Revd Kay Blackwell with the Centre Management Group
Refreshments at the Centre

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